Friday, December 30, 2011

2 new animations!

Hey guys, the Holidaze took more out of me than what I had planned. As a result I wasn't able to focus and get that boxing comic finished, nor was I able to finish the big animation for this month. It'll get there. I hope to finish it around Mondayish, so it'll ring in the new year with one killer and long epic animation. I got 2 more animations for you all. This will be most likely be my last update for the year, but I must say I really like these 2 new fmg animations. My next fmg animation, as well as the epic one I am going to be experimenting with making the clothes rip. All in all I know you all will be pleased with this update. I do have more comics coming down the pipeline. But, those deserve a post of there own. All I will say is this, if you guys liked Ms. Liberty brace yourself. Below is the link to a sample on youtube.

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