Thursday, March 17, 2016

Kiss Of The Dragon Queen Issue 3

A new Dragon Queen is out, and it's another fun outing!
The third issue of our Kiss Of The Dragon Queen saga finds us in the unlikeliest of all places,  a harem... Okay, so maybe not too unlikely knowing these kind of comics. The martial art master on this floor has designs of turning the Dragon Queen into his sex slave bimbo, and unleashes the fury of his bimbo horde to subdue her. Lot's of cat fighting in this issue, along with a hefty dose of the silly carefree humor this series is known for. All in all a fun read and thrilling chapter in the ever expanding Dragon Queen Saga!
 You can buy the comic right now via my shopify page, and in a few days it will be available at my membership site.

 Below are samples. NSFW due to sexy nature of catfights!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Not So "Lil" Red!

Hey guys I got a terrific action packed comic for you all. It's 21 just resplendently colored pages of femuscle action bonanza! It's a super fun tale about a not so "Lil" Girl whom you may have heard of, and what happens when a big bad wolf finds out the hard way, that there is always someone bigger and badder! He pays for his folly and recruits his friends to get revenge but they too find out just who the Alpha wolf truly is. Hint, it's not them. Drawn by the talented Jorge Garay, the guy behind Kickin' G and Kiss of the Dragon Queen. Brace yourselves for your new favorite comic character!
Enjoy the samples. No Nudity but NSFW as it has some sexuality. Also a lil bit of furry too.

And as always thanks for your continued support. It means the world to not just me but all the artists who work for me, and as you can tell my stable of artists is ever expanding, just like the ladies in my fmg tales!