Friday, October 28, 2011

Folio is finished, next up the comic.

Alright, a family emergency slowed my work for this week. But, what can you do, except the right thing and be there for you family. But, I hunkered down and I finished off the folio. Its 45 images, and is quite eclectic. The main bulk of it at 23 images is a intergender bodybuilding comp. I like the concept so much, I might do a comic on the idea. But the girls vein map is the best I have made so far. Really itching to us it in an fmg anination, and the one I am working on right now might just be the perfect one. Speaking of animations, I am at about the 3 minute mark for the current one. Won't know until I edit it down a bit, but its turning out to be the best one yet. I still hope I can finish the current comic I am working on before months end, I am about half to 2/3's of the way complete with the image making. Also last before I give you the image links, Bill Banner told me he will try to get the comic out to me sometime this weekend. Alright without further ado, here are the previews. Enjoy and although no nudity, lets say NSFW!!!!!!!

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