Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One more folio for our site!

Hey guys. I just want to let you know I just finished uploading another folio to the site. Give my webmaster 1-2 days to post it. It features a new character I created. This is the 3rd custom character i sculpted in zbrush, and I am getting better and more familiar with the program. Yet, there is still so much I want to learn. I wanted to include another character. But, I am having trouble with with the skeleton setup for it. After almost 2 days of tinkering, frustration, and scouring the web in search of solutions, I think I finally found how to fix it. After my 4th girl is completed, my goal is to make one more custom girl. Then I shall set about making small minicomics for them.
I want you to all know, that I haven't forgotten the name of the site. I know comics is what this site is all about. I am one man and I do my very best. But, in order to give you all your moneys worth, I have to grow and expand as a 3d artists. That takes a lot of time, and regrettably some of my hardest working days are the days where I get absolutely nothing but experience to show for it. But, that time is like sowing seeds, and when the seeds grow, it leads to a bountiful crop, and cool characters like the one from my new folio.
Also, because you all have been so good to me, I commissioned a new comic, from a new artist. I won't say who, or what its about. Or even when it will be complete. All I can say is with your patronage and support, we can keep growing this site, and get more artists involved in it.
So as always thanks and enjoy the new samples. She's wearing a bikini, so if u want to risk it, that's your prerogative

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