Thursday, April 17, 2014

New CGMan Pinups On Site!!!

I got a great sample for you all and its from the newest set from CGMan. In total there are 12 new images not withstanding the alternate version of one of the images. I think you all will find that these are some of the best femuscle pinups around, as both myself and CGMan take great care in choosing and creating the images. There is even a really cool chain break image that I think you all are going to enjoy. I think I mentioned it before but CGMan is currently working on another set of images for the site and so far he's already completed two pictures. I hope perhaps late next month or early the month after to get those to you. Anyway enjoy the sample for now and I'll yap more on whats to come later.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update sent off to webmaster

Howdy all. Got an update sent off to the webmaster. It's CGMan's newest pinup folio. It contains 12 cool pinups and one alternate version. I got other stuff in the work but I got to get off my lazy butt to write. Also I don't know if I will be able to release a gts themed update this month, but I will still try. I will most definitely have an update for you all next week, just don't know what. I got some cool options so we'll see what I come up with.
Take care everyone and stop by soon to see the sample. Its really one of the hottest CGMan's images you'll ever see.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Musclexx Commission Set 5 Posted to Site

Hey all this weeks update is now live on the site. As the subject header states its the fifth image set by the talented Musclexx. Like all the other sets this is an eclectic mix of femuscle hotness. Got some foot licking, some clothes ripping, car crushing, feats of strength, and just general femuscle hotness. As I stated yesterday CGMan is almost finished his next pinup set. Should be ready next month for you all. I'm working on a new comic along with other things. I need to get off my lazy butt and start writing the notes for a few artists, but I got a 4 day weekend so hopefully some inspiration will hit. I'll talk more about future plans and updates on Sunday. For now just enjoy this super cool little sample.
NSFW Has Nudity!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Update sent off to webmaster

Its late and I don't know how many people will be  reading this. So this will be brief...
Update sent out to webmaster its a new set of Musclexx pinups. Really cool batch and I can't wait to share it with you all. Stay tuned for the sample image, haven't decided on it yet, but I  got a lot of cool images to choose from. Got great news CGMan is almost done with another pinup set, and got some amazing images from him. Truly I think the best set so far. I also commissioned another set from him so that is great news.
Got loads more stuff on the way. Including an audio project that I have been trying to get off the ground for the last month or so. Looks like that is going forward, super excited about that.
Anyway stay tuned for the sample for this weeks update. As soon as its live on the site I'll be posting it as usual.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kickin' G part 2 up on site

Howdy all this weeks update is now on the site and I know you all will enjoy it. Its not the biggest comic update as its only 16 pages in total. But, its 16 quality high energy pages that showcase some really sleek martial artist mayhem. Well more like martial arts punishment, or butt whoppin, as the fight is really one sided. But, its a fun read and I know you all will enjoy it. Perhaps I'll purchase the next Kickin' G installment as well and we can just keep the series going. For those of you who don't know Jorge Garay is both the write and artist on this project and these are his characters. And if you are new to the series that is perfect as again I have the first part of this comic on my site as well. I think you all will enjoy his style, his layouts are really amazing and he does some of the best martial arts fighting you'll see in comics. He really captures the power, grace and brutality of the moves and the main character is a total muscle cutey.
I am working on a longer comic with Jorge, but that is taking sometime to get done, but when it is completed its going to be epic.
Enough talk, I got some cool samples for you.
Totally NSFW Nudity Sex and Violence!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New update sent off to webmaster!!!!

Things just keep on rolling. And I think they will continue to do so for at least another few weeks. Without a doubt this current update streak is the longest this site has ever had and I'm pleased to be sharing all this cool artwork with you all. I just sent off this weeks update to my webmaster and I think you guys are going to enjoy it. It's a continuation of the "Kickin G" mini comic that Jorge Garay made for the site. Just a fun silly little comic about a tough female fighter and her hopelessly outmatched but resilient male friend. Well they become more than friends in this update. The comic is 16 total pages and Jorge Garay just makes really quality pages, his layouts are really powerful and fun. He is working on a longer comic for me but that one is taking its time getting made.
Also Musclexx just finished another commission set, so that will be getting released within the next few weeks. And overall I think he keeps getting better and better, we got a couple of cool fmg pinup shots and a really cool car crush. No chain breaks in this one, but gotta switch things up a little don't we!?! Lastly CGMan is still plugging away at his next pinup set. If we are lucky that could be done sometime early next month.
Lots of cool goodies on the way. And I'm making artwork myself as well as stories and some comics that I hope to finish up in a few months.
Stay tuned and come back tomorrow for the samples!