Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Throwback Tuesday Muscle Lust

Hey everyone it's time for another Throwback Tuesday! The comic for this week is "Muscle Lust" and it's truly special comic for me. This comic was the first time I've ever worked with AOS and I hope to work with him again. AOS is a true legend in the femuscle field and he did not disappoint with this comic.Also this was one of the first times if not the first I worked with Uli as the colorist.I think it's one of the best FMG/Male Drain comics you'll ever read. AOS drew it in a way that really brought you into the scene with the characters so you can see each sinew lost and gained. I'm also pleased with the text that I wrote for the story, I believe it really enhances and doesn't overpower the art and but rather further helps to engross the reader into the comic.Just a really titillating read!

The comic can be purchased here: https://mighty-female-muscle-comix.myshopify.com/products/muscle-lust

Below are samples. These can be a bit mature... No nudity but there is a woman on top of a man and she is wearing a sheer outfit. So really this one could be NSFW!! So don't click if you're at work!!!!

https://steeleblazer84.deviantart.com/art/Muscle-Lust-Sample-1-Cover-441746108 https://steeleblazer84.deviantart.com/art/Muscle-Lust-Sample-2-Page-Snippet-441745943 https://steeleblazer84.deviantart.com/art/Muscle-Lust-Sample-3-Page-Snippet-B-W-441745877

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