Monday, December 2, 2013

Over 30 images rendered today!!!

I was lazy for most of my vacation, but karpe diem!!!! Never too late to seize the day, and I made the most of my last vacation day and kicked out a whole bunch of renders. Most were simple, but I have a few complex ones. I do have a bit of sad news I wanted to get the newest feats of strength folio finished for this weeks update, but it is getting pushed back to next week. I want it to be big, bad ass, and just so awesome you won't know what hit ya... And it will be!!! Which is why I am pushing it back so not to rush it.
But, don't worry I'll still have an update for this week. I just made about 30 images, and I hope to make some more. I still need to edit them, for the final touch ups, but they are mostly good to go. Again I don't know what the update will consist of. So far its going to be mostly that nude pinup model that I made. Images are turning out really well, but I want to change it up and give you guys something else as well. But, important thing is there will be updates this month. At least two BIG ones!
Stay tuned for more information.

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