Friday, September 26, 2014

One last run at DOM FUN!

Guys, got some powerful samples for you all to enjoy. Very NSFW!!! Nudity, domination, ball stomping, and foot smothering... All in all a grand ole time!!!!! This is my final update of my "Dom Fun" folio. An image set that has spanned 101 images, and I just enjoyed making it so very much. Without a doubt this is some of the best renders I have ever made and a lot of care went into it. I know domination is not everyone's cup of tea, but it's a fine brew and I think a lot of you will enjoy it.
Enjoy the samples and remember NSFW!

P.s got loads of cool stuff to come. So stick around!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Update sent off to my webmaster!!!!

I know finally right!!!
As I said been busy. I'm still working overtime at work, and sadly that will happen for at least 3-4 more weeks.
Not all bad news I will use that money to fix my car so I can pass emissions. It just means I have to make better use of my free time outside of work. And I've had difficulties balancing this site in the past month.
But, I haven't been completely lax. I'm working with Stone3d on a new comic and I think its even better than our first one. Which I think is saying something as I think the first comic I did with Stone3d was one of the best 3d comics on my site.
I got a new Musclexx pinup gallery coming up. And a new installment for "Kickin' G". Plus the sequel to Mom & Daughter.
And I'm working on a really, really awesome 3d comic myself.
This weeks update is the conclusion of the "Dom Fun" folio. Its another 20 bone crunching, ball busting, manhandling, femuscle feast!
I won't lie I am a bit sad I am ending the folio. But, it was never meant to balloon to so many images. I just really liked the scene, the lighting, and of course the characters.
Look for the woman to pop up again.
Tomorrow I hope to post some samples.
Take care and stay tuned.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Update coming this week!

Got an update coming this week. I'm sorry I've been slow to update these last few months. Same ol issues of health and work being busy. Bad part is I have that dang car issue, and since OT is currently available I will be taking it. Hence the slowness in updating. It won't be like that much longer. I got a lot of cool projects coming up. Kickin' G will be back, and also got some work with Musclexx and I'm making some more 3d stuff for you all. I promise you all I will have a cool update for you this week. Don't know what, but it'll be cool. So stay tuned!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Medusa Town Samples!

Howdy all got a brutal little update for you. It's a new comic from the same team that did "Mom & Daughter". Entitled "Medusa Town" its 21 pages of bone crunching delight. This comic is about a seedy part of town, and a guy with too much money, a taste for pain, and a penchant for strong powerful women. This comic isn't for the squeamish, but if you have the stomach for it I think you'll enjoy the ride. 3-d artist Zgannero did the art and layouts, based upon a tale by Lilguy. Just a fun read. So I hope you all enjoy the samples.
But, its totally NSFW!!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

New comic coming this week!

Hey guys,
Sorry for my silence. I've been really swamped at work and had to work OT, and on top of that I have both been sick, and had car trouble. So not a very good last few months. The good news is I got a new comic update for you all. It's from the team that brought you the "Mom & Daughter" comic, so if you enjoyed that comic you'll love the new one. Also the sequel to "Mom & Daughter" is in the works.
Stay tuned I the new comic will be debuting around Thursday this week.