Thursday, March 7, 2019

What A Drain Volume 4

It's anything but a drag... Or more aptly a drain to be able to present to you all the newest comic in the What A Drain series. And let me tell you all that the comics just like the women featured within its pages just keeps getting bigger and bigger. At 47 pages this is a monstrous comic, and the only thing bigger than the page count are the lovely ladies that reside in the pages. Really exciting and scintillating tales in this one as it has 7 different fmg/male muscle drain sequences. There are also a variety of drain from the ever reliable ray drain gun, to muscle drain lotion, sci fi arm bands, and more intimate methods. I know you all are going to enjoy this comic as I had a lot of fun making it. 
And as always there are many ways to support MFMC. Your support matters and is what makes Mighty Female Muscle Comix grow big and strong, just like the women in our comics.
Here is a link to purchase the full comic:
 No nudity in the samples, but really skimpy stuff with some areola peaking out... So... Reminds me of the scene in Scrooged where Mr. Murray's character is talking to the censor.NSFW!

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